One of the biggest struggles we have as parents, educators, and people committed to nurturing relationships can be our limited vocabulary when we are on the spot. Okay, so they are focused. And then they are patient… and then what?? Below is a list of qualities and traits to name and honor in those with which you work. Additionally, I often cite (see There’s Always Something Going Right: Workbook for Creating Truly Great Schools c. 2020), educator coach, therapist, and author, Tom Grove, used this phrase below as a reminder of our dedication to each child’s ability to rise to their greatness. Post it. Say it. Mean it. Believe it. And watch the power of your actions and commitment alter the world of a child who has forgotten how great he or she already is!
“There is NOTHING you can say or do that will dissuade me from believing in your ability to be successful.” – Tom Grove (in person, Certified Intensive NHA Training, January 2007)
- Cooperative
- Great ears
- Attention to detail
- Considerate
- Using a low-level voice
- Planning well
- Focused
- Managing time well
- Self-control
- Accomplishing a lot
- Showing real talent
- Acting creatively
- Looking out for others
- Being dazzling
- Showing amazing forethought
- Perseverance
- Dedication
- Imagination
- Being powerful
- Reasonable
- Patient
- Generous
- Seeing the big picture
- Making a solid educational guess
- Showing a quick mind
- Finding the new in the ordinary
- Compassionate
- Brave
- Bringing the best in others
- Making a hard task look easy
- Handling Strong Emotions
- Making Great Choices
- Choosing what is important
- Brilliant thoughts
- Magnificent thinking
- Being eye-popping awesome
- Showing zest
- Being inspiring
- Courageous
- Having an open mind
- Respecting yourself
- A scientist
- A source of strength
- Understanding
- In possession of innate ability
- Flashing a contagious smile
- Inquisitive
- Easy to like
- A leader
- An advocate
- Fair
- Positive Tactful
- Strong on the inside
- Productive
- Demonstrating integrity
- Vibrant
- Direct
- Powerfully spirited
- Committed
- Deep understanding
- Visionary
- Steadfast
- Genuine
- Hopeful
- Making delightful deductions
- Inclusive
- Exceeding expectations
- Impressive choice